about Nanna

Lithgow's Accessible Lifestyle

Lithgow's Accessible Lifestyle
helping locals source supports in our area ,
I have finally produced a flyer to help promote
Hi, I'm Sue; a born and bred Lithgow local, with 3 children, and 8 grandchildren,
12 years ago my husband and I became full time carers for one of our grandkids, later diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (with additional diagnoses), he is an amazing young teen who faced/faces many obstacles in his life.
After his diagnosis I began researching and studying what this meant for him, what we needed to provide, and looking at what our local community had to offer. Realising the difficulty sourcing specific requirements, I became more hands-on in promoting and supporting awareness to what ASD meant.

Dedicating my time to support our grandson I'm unable to work full-time, so as an avid craft person I began sewing and making items to help with many of the sensory issues and other conditions relating to his ASD, then promoting them on my Facebook page  'Nanna's Touch'.   https://www.facebook.com/nannastouchquiltsandsensoryproducts/
Later, realising the high number of special needs families living in the Lithgow districts, I began an on-line support service, then a local 'Support Group' to help anyone associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), established as 
'Lithgow Nanna’s Touch ASD Support'.   https://www.facebook.com/nannastouch.autismsupport/

I continually try to source supports for the high demands of additional day-to-day requirements due to social delays, environmental issues, etc, targeting the social aspects of children and teens with Autism Spectrum Disorder, special needs, and disadvantaged delays, etc.
Catering to each child’s uniqueness, seeking to access supports to enhance their social abilities, learn life skills, social cues, and gain friendships in a casual, safe, stimulating environment, through many outlets, including the use of craft and hobby activities, to gain future confidence and achievements.

Finding ways to arrange a stress-free environment for the parents and adults, with what can sometimes become a robotic process of meetings, appointments and interventions, leaving little time left to relax and socialise.
With the support of Lithgow PCYC providing access to a venue, and Ability Links donating 3 sewing machines, I have
found a way of sharing my knowledge and love of sewing, as a great de-stress and much needed break-time, providing support and teaching skills to a relaxing hobby that many would never have had the chance to connect with.
All these I do on a purely volunteer basis, for a small fee to cover material costs, and registration to the PCYC.

Together with Jennifer from O.T. World, we held our first Expo on 12th November 2016, promoting and showcasing all the services and supports that are available in the Lithgow district, arranging to help connect families with much needed resources and assistance,
  'Lithgow's Accessible Lifestyle'  https://www.facebook.com/lithgowsaccessiblelifestyle/
and now we have set up a website to promote the services and advertising any event and resources available 
Please find more information on all my pages and keep posted for upcoming dates and next years Expo 

Anyone wishing to gain support or learn more please contact me directly -
Email – nannastouch02@gmail.com phone- 0409765601 - or through any of our Facebook pages
Happiness and Calm to all xxxx  

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