about Nanna

30 March 2016

Knowing and Understanding the Full Picture.....

special moments with Laura
can made all the day's anxiety disappear
Our kids are very prone to facing medical anomalies, and A.J. is no exception.
From the time he came into our care at only 2 & 1/2 years of age, we have addressed so many medical and personal issues, most being out-of-the-norm to many children.

Before we even knew about, could acknowledge, or address the symptoms and diagnosis relating to A.J.'s Autism, we had to understand and decipher the initial concerns relating to the neglect he faced prior to being with us, leaving him not only malnourished, but also facing many delays, plus additional emotional and physical difficulties.
Not knowing where to go or who to turn to for help or support, we faced the groundwork ourselves, working hard to help him, step by step, to gain confidence and trust with everyone and everything around him, addressing each and every issue one-by-one, at 'his' pace.

14 March 2016

The honesty of Autistics -

one thing we can definitely expect......HONESTY
In reality, it is so refreshing to see many of our children actually being able to have a voice and to express verbally their own feelings and thoughts, although all too often their display of 'the truth' will be misunderstood by others.
As our kids struggle to understand the expected 'social niceties' or 'specifics of expression', especially when they're still struggling with the basics of correct verbal communication, the results are negative reactions from others hearing/reading the words or comments!
To these kids a spade is a spade, so why call it a shovel or scoop?

08 March 2016

Helping to understand the NDIS process.....

having a folder with all the relevant information is a must 
How many agree......
When originally looking for supports, regarding the right direction for accessing assistance or sourcing specialised services, and so on, the information you found was so overwhelming, swamping you with conflicting so-called well-meaning suggestions and ideas on what to do and where to start, that you were more confused than before you began looking?
I definitely agree - 'YES' I did fit that category.

03 March 2016

Ready for anything... the challenges continue...

it's so important to focus on the positives
One of the hardest parts of Autism, we, as parents, have to address, is facing the subject of ‘Medication!’
Many of us at some point have had to (or will have to) confront these discussions, make the decisions, attempt the reality, and accept the outcome.
Along with making the decision to begin trialing these supports, having to make adjustments and changes as they get older, addressing any side effects and other issues that go along with it, while also deciding whether they are effectively working and fully beneficial to our child.
As hard as all that is to deal with, we are also being confronted and bombarded with the social stigma and other people's personal opinions on what 'they' think is best.