about Nanna

28 June 2017

living with a label - it doesn't get any easier

This is the part that really sucks, The part no-one sees, The part that we're told is imaginary.
I travel this road every day with my family, facing the secret society, the taboo topic that can't and won't be mentioned or acknowledged.
Yet it 'is' a reality to so many, made even more difficult when fronted by a world that just doesn't 'get it'.  


Let's face it, anything that makes us look or seem any way different to what the 'norm' should be, is like a red flag to a bull, most can't help but judge and criticise what they don't understand.

11 June 2017

Health and Wellbeing

What is 'Mental Health'?
-  it describes the emotional, psychological, social, economical, spiritual, and medical 'well-being' of any person.
It is about feeling happy, being confident, aware, resilient, and able to handle and recover from any challenges we may face throughout our lives.
Understanding the levels of how we feel, think, act, and socialise is important to help us maintain and function our healthy wellbeing.
Being able to maintain an emotional and behavioural level, will determine how best we can manage stress, connect with others, and make the right life choices.
What is 'Mental Illness'?
- the description for a group of Mental health conditions.

02 June 2017

Life's hurdles…………….

I can't believe we've almost come to the middle of yet another year, it's passed by so quickly I'm surprised I'm still standing.
So much has happened and yet it all seems like a blur.
After a hectic couple of months, I've finally made it out for some fresh air to collect my thoughts.
Grasping the reality of everything,  processing how I will manage from here.

There is no tried and true formula for anyone going through the loss of a family member,
There is no time frame for this, we need to take a step back, breathe, and allow ourselves the time we need.

I was very lucky to have had the chance to make the most of what time we had,