about Nanna

15 May 2020

a time for reflection...

It has been so long since I had the chance to sit down and actually put pen to paper (or in my case fingers to the keyboard) to write anything for my blog.

Lately this task seemed to be more of a chore, knowing what to say that would sound anything remotely legible has failed and eluded me, like a form of writers block.

What will I say?

OMG, So much has happened!!   ........ LIFE!!!!!
Yes it can get in the way of our bigger picture and yet it is also the thing we need to focus on the most.

I look at our world, and the reality we are facing at the moment.
This situation is such a tough one, I am unsure what we will face coming out of this,
I feel it's made us all rethink and review our lives,
so much will change, it has to for many reasons.

While we are seeing so many amazing people, providing their generosity and support to those in need,
Unfortunately the reactions from others is what I am at a loss to comprehend.
The greed of some, the judgmental reactions, the ignorance,
I'm so disheartened by the amount of negativity surrounding us,
it still seems to be the norm, to bully harass and put others down, and for what reason? 
I am baffled to understand! 

Thinking about how we will move forward scares me a little and excites me as well.
When this is all over I want to connect us all together,
We have the chance to make a positive out of this and bring a little happiness and light to what may otherwise be a very dismal and dreary existence.

I cannot wait to get our group up and running again and start creating great projects, connections, and outcomes.
With the purpose being to support and assist those who need connection and direction,
I truly love the work I do, and more-so I love all the amazing people I have found along the way. While each one came to me for support and guidance, I feel I have gained more from them, as we became an amazing niche of members who I gladly call 'family',

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