after a little under-the-breath cursing I will begin again by
can really SUCK!
matter how you plan and set things out you may come across hurdles in
your way that you must decide whether to climb, go around, or turn
back from defeated.
and time again I watch as others choose the latter, too defeated to
try or maybe just couldn't be bothered.
the reason the outcome is still the same.........someone will suffer.
not in the painful way you are thinking, although the outcome of
missing out on the chance to do or be what they really wanted has
robbed them of a future that could have given fulfillment in more ways
than they could have imagined.
everything we truly want is going to take a lot of hard work and
dedication, but realising the rainbow at the end is what keeps those
that are truly dedicated striving forward in their quest of
now that I got that little bit of wisdom out, I will come back down
to earth and continue with the story I had started to tell.
back over all my previous blog posts, it can be really hard to truly
grasp the enormity of all that we have been through with our lives.
not saying this to complain or whinge, far from it, I am however
acknowledging the journey and what we went through that got us to
this point; to be quite honest it has actually been a learning
experience in so very many ways.
the pathway we may originally set out for ourselves can over the
years change, repeatedly, especially when adding the needs and
demands of a family.
you have children, you set out a specific plan to assure they gain
the most in life, therefore to do that, we- as mothers (and fathers),
repeatedly go without or put on hold to provide the best for our
do this out of love, and never look back, satisfied when seeing the
results of our dedication blossoming as our children grow to find
their own little niche in the world.
I began my family journey, I also travelled through that exact
pathway, watching and guiding my three adorable kiddies as they grew
to become independent, strong-willed adults, I can smile with the
knowledge that I helped them get to where they are, if only just a
we may wonder, “what if I’m doing this wrong?”
the fact that we stuck it out trying and doing for them, being there
physically and emotionally, unconditionally, is the best gift we
could give them, as no material possessions will ever replace that
type of connection.
that reason there is no “wrong”!
may be times that unexpected hurdles face our kids and we are the
ones that must take that leap of faith to help them through it, to
get the best outcome.
some cases they may not want or appreciate the way we do things or
the path we took them on, although more often than not we gain a
little something back when they too become parents and realise why we
did the things we do.
like myself, while preparing to see the last of our children onto
their path of discovery we were then given the most unexpected hurdle
you could imagine.
back on that day, when we were told our grandson needed us, we went
through a tirade of emotions, imagining different outcomes and
in your wildest dreams would you imagine the storyline that faced us!
hearts were breaking to see the little lost soul that stood before
of 2 years old and not a drop of spirit or adventure left in him, the
sadness in his eyes and the fear that had covered his very existence;
will never forget that moment!
our plans would change, with the storyline totally re-written, we
never once hesitated to take our new journey, even without any
knowledge of what we would be facing, our eyes were wide open and
prepared for anything, as long our our little man would be safe and
would never give up no matter what!
you take any journey through life you try the best to be prepared and
organised, arranging everything needed for the best possible outcome,
although when you haven't had any experience or knowledge to what you
are going to be dealing with, or you weren't expecting what was
placed in front of you;
are you to know where to start or what to do?
up to take control, I allowed myself to see this journey for what it
experience into areas and places that I would never have gone to or
taken on, having the chance to learn new skills and so much more.
was definitely going to be the case for us.
by learning the official necessities of the Legal System while
gaining custody, then entering the unknown areas of the Medical
world, experiencing so many different situations that we never knew
existed; these would all become a continual maze of confusion and
travelling these different pathways we slowly began to realise the
rewards that we were gaining along the way, the benefits and
experiences that were taking over the harder parts that had become
our daily routine for so long, to finally reveal the Silver Lining
that hides beneath every dark cloud.
rewards for me other than the obvious of being a big part of our
grandson’s life, was how the experience had also helped me to take
the leap-of-faith and start a new business opportunity while also
giving to our community in a Pay-It-Forward style venture.
you should never give up on your chance to dream, no matter what, as
it may be just around the next corner; it may come in a different
aspect than you had first imagined, although there are many reasons
that could take you outside your comfort zone and end with connecting
you to your true purpose.
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