about Nanna

07 July 2015

reaching this years halfway mark......

Touching base with everyone, I hope like us, you're all having a great break, although our local weather has other ideas......I've kept busy and distracted by arranging a few special little outings, snuggling up watching our favourite movies together, or just doing simple things while chatting about anything and everything, and generally chilling out and relaxing.

With the school holidays in full swing I have paused to think how amazing the past few
months have been; with this year already touching the halfway mark, we are proud to say our little man’s achievements are progressing ahead in leaps and bounds.
We received his half yearly school report, covering the five mainstream subjects he attends and doing the sixth in his support class, we were so happy to see the results all placing him in a progressive position, with their only concern being, he still struggles with group activities, and he is easily distracted and becomes “off topic” when joining in discussion time; both expected outcomes.
The school is now preparing for his introduction and involvement in another mainstream subject as the support staff believes he is doing so well and should handle the inclusion.
Knowing A.J. still struggles with any “physical activity” and although he didn’t receive a report for his involvement in the sporting sector, his personal comments indicate his dislike, leaving me to wonder how we can change this around and have him enjoy the different aspects that go along with the many activities in this area as well.
A comment from his English teacher has stated he needs to do more ‘casual’ reading for enjoyment to further his English skills.
Maybe this has been a response due to still getting to know A.J. or from not fully understanding the autistic behaviours more-so than the knowledge he has; as in reality he has always read books and now will go onto websites and google search to find things out as his interests change; although the concept of transferring his thought and verbal expression into a written dialogue is still in the learning stages.

As with all his subjects he is still finding ‘his’ way of fitting in, with his ‘autistic’ tendencies overriding his academic ability in some way; while knowing he would struggle in some formal aspects due to the large majority of work he has missed through being repeatedly removed from class during the past number of years.
Finding ways to overcome some of these and other hurdles is still a struggle, I may need to address this with the introduction of a tutor in some capacity, although the factor of his afternoon schedule is still something we also need to manage, as he so easily consumes himself into his ‘Fantasy Realm’ that has protected him for so many years.
His protective world began long ago when he needed to shut down and escape from the negativity he was experiencing in the outside ‘cursed world of Reality’ giving him the power to imagine that even the worst possible scenario can be eliminated by his special world!
Although he has become more controlled and able to cope with the outside world and the many distractions a lot easier without becoming totally unravelled, he is still affected by the environment in different ways, and the need to hold back these un-natural forces sent to curse him can only be truly eliminated while within his sacred Realm. Once in there he blocks out all external sensory input and will shut down to carefully protect himself, while remaining calm, settled, and totally in control of his every movement.

The effects of sensory overload still exist, although A.J. has learnt to adjust or adapt himself to more readily accept and understand why it happens. I do however feel that a lot of his calmer nature has come from being accepted at school and not having to stress out about how he will be treated.
Overall this helps us all to be mare calm and settled, giving me a little time to address some of those long forgotten chores.

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