about Nanna

28 June 2016

The next step to understanding the Senses....

Taking a closer look at our seven senses, by breaking down each group to better understand what they do, and what each one means for an ASD and Sensory Processing diagnosis.
It is easy to overlook the concept of our Sensory system in everyday life, no-one really specifically takes notice or acknowledges how every dynamic can effect our natural reactions to daily actions.

10 June 2016

The benefits of Weighted Blankets.

quilt design option 
Deep Pressure Touch Stimulation (DPTS) refers to the application of a tactile stimulus to help provide the feeling sensations received from a firm hug, cuddle, squeeze, stroking motion, or massage. The calming element to settle nerves and emotional wellbeing.
The use of specific weighted products help to give the same deep pressure massaging effect in a non-invasive manner to help release Melatonin, Serotonin and Endorphins, the hormones that regulate various human functions such as sleep, appetite and mood.
Serotonin produce a calming action, sending soothing messages between nerve cells;
Endorphins are "Happy" stimulators with natural pain-killing substances;
Both bring pleasurable feelings, elevated moods and calmness of body and mind.
Melatonin is a substance regulating circadian rhythms to control sleep patterns, hormone release, body temperature, and other human functions.

04 June 2016

Homework - Am I doing the right thing???!!!!

A.J. and Myself,
we have a great bond together
I am just another person, no-one special, someone taking each day as it comes, facing the same issues as everyone else, at times struggling to make ends meet, and definitely with no idea of what is going to present itself tomorrow or the next day.
At times we have, and still do, struggle to understand the whole picture of what A.J. has been and is still going through; and with his additional needs, why it had been so hard to gain those much needed supports early on, fighting for every piece of assistance and understanding.

For that very reason I stepped up and did what any loving caring 'parent' would do and sought out whatever he needed, gaining anything and everything that I thought would help to better his chances to be an active participant in "Life".