about Nanna

10 June 2016

The benefits of Weighted Blankets.

quilt design option 
Deep Pressure Touch Stimulation (DPTS) refers to the application of a tactile stimulus to help provide the feeling sensations received from a firm hug, cuddle, squeeze, stroking motion, or massage. The calming element to settle nerves and emotional wellbeing.
The use of specific weighted products help to give the same deep pressure massaging effect in a non-invasive manner to help release Melatonin, Serotonin and Endorphins, the hormones that regulate various human functions such as sleep, appetite and mood.
Serotonin produce a calming action, sending soothing messages between nerve cells;
Endorphins are "Happy" stimulators with natural pain-killing substances;
Both bring pleasurable feelings, elevated moods and calmness of body and mind.
Melatonin is a substance regulating circadian rhythms to control sleep patterns, hormone release, body temperature, and other human functions.

As part of the therapy options available, and used in our household, is a range of products I now make and personalise through Nanna's Touch, including Weighted Blankets/Quilts, sensory fiddle toys, heat-pillows, etc.

The products used with Sensory Stimulation Therapy treat children and adults facing a large range of different medical conditions connected with -
different Autism Spectrum Disorder related conditions, Aspergers,
Sensory Processing disorder (SPD), Stress and Anxiety, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD),
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Tourette’s Syndrome, Seizure Disorder, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Pain, Bi-Polar Disorder, Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS), Schizophrenia,
Cerebral Palsy (CP), Alzheimer's Disease, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders, (FASD), Dementia, ADHD, ADD, Pervasive Developmental Disorder, (PDD, PDD-NOS),
Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD), Down Syndrome, Angleman Syndrome, Rett’s Syndrome, Insomnia, Sleep Terrors, Parkinson’s Disease, Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), Williams Syndrome, Battons Disease, Charge Syndrome, Shift-Work Sleep issues, Exposure Therapy, Dental Anxiety, and so many other Conditions.

Deep Pressure therapy has been proven to help anyone with these conditions, by settling their nerve endings and triggering the body's own process response to release a natural chemical reaction, required for those with extreme anxiety, over-stimulation, and sensitive nervous system to return to a normal calm state.
The weight and 'wrapping' process helps to mimic the deep firm pressure touch stimulation , activating evenly over the body the process required to regulate mood, sleep and sensory perception.
Sensory Processing Disorder causes sensory stimulation to become erratic where some are either-
Over-stimulated, needing the process to help with calming sensations, or,
Under-stimulated, where they seek out sensory input.
Both are effected by their sensory nerve endings and both benefit from the weight process to aids the need for the correct stimulation and calming the person at the same time.
This process will also assist with Anxiety, Dementia, the trauma and sleep concerns of PTSD patients, as well as chronic pain and other symptoms connected with many conditions and diagnoses. 

The general recommendation states the blanket/quilt should not exceed 10% of body-weight, noting variations for personal preference, although the process, size, and use will predict more precisely the total weight of the product, whether using full weight option for an overall body blanket either as a blanket on a bed or as a shawl/poncho style, or lighter weight if required to use as a shoulder wrap or leg/lap cover.
The blanket can be used overnight for sleep assistance, or short periods during unsettled anxious moments.
Refer to your medical advisers such as Doctor, Paediatrician, Occupational Therapist, etc, for advice, personal recommendations, and specific requirements, before beginning use.
Always assure the user is informed and totally aware of the reason for the blanket, is totally prepared for the weight, and able to remove the product with ease and without concern.
For children, slowly introduce the product at their pace, and do not leave unattended for lengthy periods of time, especially when starting a new process.

After personally trialing these products for A.J. I am now making them for sale, available through our page Nanna's Touch - Quilts and Sensory Products.
quilt design option 
We provide a range of fabric and print design options for sensory assistance either for the sensory seeker or avoider, and happy to assist with any personal requests. 
While sourcing the correct type of filling options for the Weighted Blankets/Quilts, I was totally surprised, if not shocked/horrified, to see the filling types others suggested to use;
Naturally as I felt safety was a major priority and durability the next important factor I was pleased to find the plastic poly pellets. They are proven the best suited, very popular, and the safest option due to being a non-toxic, hypo-allergenic, fire-retardant, and machine washable. They are able to be cool temp tumble dried, although I recommend air-drying, due to the overall weight consistency causing unnecessary wear on the dryer.

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