about Nanna

12 October 2017

We are here, we do care, you are not alone.......

I wasn't intending on posting about this…
….something so sad and devastating,
something that we as a small community have been continually facing for so long.
As a mining town we have had our ups and downs,
many of our mines have closed with only a few remaining.
Recently we have been fighting the cause to assure a remaining mine will stay open, to also keep the livelihood of our local power station intact.
Along with this as a farming community the economy there has had many struggles.
We have had closures of so many industries, companies, and even small businesses.
All this, while seemingly alone and ignored from any form of outside supports, with no consideration of how the ripple effects has and will continue to damage our local economy.

With all this, it has taken its toll on our community, the families within, in many ways,
Unemployment rates are high, Depression is a concerning issue,
All showing how we need to address at an urgent priority level the statistics of mental health issues and local suicides.

The community has rallied together and formed a local branch of the recently formed Walk'n'Talk programme. Setting up a local Facebook page and starting regular local events.
(As stated off there page)
Walk 'n' Talk is an action group of caring people who want to help in preventing suicide in our community.
-is an on-going event that brings likeminded caring people together to help prevent suicide.
Talking Therapy saves lives and whether you walk and talk, listen or just be present to show your support then great things will happen. Our community needs to open up their hearts and give more love than ever before, so come along to our walks and join in on the growing community spirit.

With plans underway for our latest upcoming Walk'n'Talk event
Yesterday we were informed of yet another local lost  -
Learning myself of the tragedy - my post off my personal page read -
Very sad day, being told of a young life lost from our community.
Mental health issues are real.
We need to be vigilant to assure our kids are safe. 
Make sure they know we are here to help. Connect, communicate, be passionate.
Nothing is more important than the emotional wellbeing of any person.
My heart goes out to the family and friends of this young child.
Keep your young children and family members close.

I was shocked and stunned, a young child of 16,
Someone I had a connection with.
My son coached him while I was the manager for a few years in our local soccer competition.
The same team we had A.J. in.
It was raw, it was real, it had a face and a name, and it hurts.
Our hearts go out to his family and friends.

I'm not going to pretend I know the answers………I don't.
No-one does.
I worry so much.
Our kids are so fragile, although there is no age barrier,
What is it that's going on in our society that results in this.
Even A.J. will have such depressed days and he worries me of the outcome.
We all struggle to know how to help.
It can be so hard to pick up the warning signs or triggers.
No-one is immune, it affects each person differently, some manage some don't.

It all comes down to being there physically, mentally, and emotionally.
Talk to each other, listen, understand, and believe.
When someone reaches out and says they don't feel right, believe.
If they seem to become withdrawn, stops socialising, changes in their mannerisms etc,
it could be a pre-warning sign, don't ignore it.

Stay strong and stay aware.

If you are worried about a loved one or you yourself are needing emotional support,
please call a local GP, metal health team, or the following contacts -
Lifeline Australia: 13 11 14
Beyond Blue: 1300 224 636
Kids Helpline: 1800 551 800

We are here, we do care, you are not alone.

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