about Nanna

08 December 2017

Physical Health - self care Mind+Body+Soul

Reviewing 2017, although it has been great in so many aspects, it's also been the most draining time that I've faced in many years.
Trying to juggle and manage too many things, so much so that it has suddenly all come to a pounding momentous heap at my feet, leaving me no-where to turn, but come crashing down amongst it all.
being in the moment - a great view of our lovely valley

While organising our home-front and personal life, including the many different interventions, activities and other requirements we arrange for A.J. to access, we have seen many accomplishments and achievements as well.
Unfortunately it has in a way at times also come at a cost, as we try to help A.J. progress forward into a more independent lifestyle.
The pressure of added expectations has undoubtedly triggered many melt-downs for A.J. and then guilt for me as I wonder when and where to push him beyond his comfort zone, and when to let him settle where he is more relaxed and confident in doing.

On the official front, I have been working hard to see our local support group and activities continue to grow.

By connecting with Me3, it has allowed us to become a more rounded support network for many local families,
meeting fortnightly, we provide either casual get-togethers to chat, vent and support each other, and on other times we present more specific topic discussions with supporting information and assistance to connect with official services, etc.

We are now providing regular social craft activities- 
Firstly our fortnightly sewing classes, with 3 separate sessions, that cater to the many different ability levels and interests.

The inclusion of fortnightly cooking sessions, with the support of another local Mum, who is holding the reigns as head teacher, becoming a great incentive for any locals needing a helping hand with kitchen skills to help maintain independent living.

Finally I am pleased with all the hard work we have achieved with presenting our annual Accessible Lifestyle Expo.
Each year we are encouraged with the outcomes, finding new and exciting ideas to put into the following years event. We are very excited and enthusiastic to start work on our 2018 event.

Added to all this was the sudden health decline and loss of my father earlier this year,
and many other personal situations we are suddenly confronted to manage them in one way or another.
These things have a definite effect on our mental and physical health, and I am no exception,
I'm now confronted with the realisation I need to slow down and take a well deserved break, while also re-assessing what I am capable of doing and what I need to step back from.

With the Xmas season well on its way, it is the opportune time to slow down.
I have already begun to finish off our activities for the holiday break as I do each year,
and am planning to start looking after 'me' first for a change.

All too often as carers, and parents, we tend to be so consumed with looking after our family first, putting ourselves and our issues on the back-burner till we "get some spare time" which as we know never happens.
This thought process needs to change, as the saying goes we can't give 100% to anything else if we ourselves aren't working at 100%.
I will be honest and agree I am not 100% and have had medical concerns plaguing me for some time, so this holiday season will be taken in assuring I can change that, even if it is just by beginning the process and organising some positive outcomes.

My plan to re-assess things will begin with a healthy body, I do have to admit the last 5 years or more have shown continual health concerns resulting in many issues, one being a weight gain.
Although medication among other things are a factor in this for me,
we can also tend to take the easy way out with our rushed and chaotic lifestyle, constantly looking for quick fix solutions to time management problems.
This can see us veering towards eating unhealthy take-away, pre-packaged, or processed foods.
Finding the balance between a healthy diet and enjoyable food choices is very important.

a rare pic of myself while at one of our many sewing sessions  
The one area I have often neglected over the years is exercise,
finding time for a physical connection has always been placed on the backburner of my to-do list.
With A.J. also not being an outdoor physical person made it easier to fall into the habit of abandoning any form of physical activity.

This process would obviously have an effect with why A.J. struggles with sleep issues,
we know and agree it is definitely an Autistic trait as well, especially as he has had sleep issues since he was a baby,
although it is still common-sense that the more we do during the day, the better the chance of having a healthy sleep schedule.
Generally, I am happy to say, I luckily have always had a healthy sleep schedule, and this is still the case as I get older, thankfully.
Saying that, it is important to assure you maintain a regular routine for this to continue.

Covering all these aspects of our daily life will help to maintain a healthy lifestyle,
while also including time for ourselves to socialise regularly with our extended family or friends, and finding creative outlets for our choice of crafts, sports, or other activities that give us joy.    

Focusing on the whole picture I'll begin with journaling my progress over 2018 and hopefully come up with a positive plan.

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