about Nanna

18 May 2015

the Joys of Family......

A.J. in his dressing gown on his iPad,
his two favorite things 
OK, just snuck out to the office/sewing-room to write my latest Blog, while the boys are watching Dr Who of all things; seems A.J. has found a new obsession and Poppy is so proud;
and while I'm mentioning ‘Poppy’ I have to acknowledge the fact that if it wasn't for my adorable Hubby I wouldn't have achieved as much as what I have to date.
He’s still as amazing today as when we first connected or maybe even more if I am totally honest......
I know you are all saying OMG, but the truth is he has been my rock through so much we have encountered and never once complained about what I have opened him up to, with all my dreams and plans, struggles and encounters.
....luv him forever......
With all the mushiness out of the way and admitting we have had our ups and downs, faced rocky roads together, and sometimes not the best of times, I still truly acknowledge the good that has come from it all and how we have grown stronger because and despite of those things.

Having the backing of someone in our lives definitely helps to form a strong structure and foundation, knowing someone has your back when taking the daily steps with the strength to face and confront things head-on and giving the support when things don’t go to plan.

Having insight can be beneficial at times and trying to decipher what seems to be important to our little ones can be all consuming, although no matter how prepared we are situations can arise that will crumble us or bring frustration to what should be smooth sailing moments.

The joys of having discussions with the complex mind of an Aspergers child requesting assistance with his year 7 maths work, something that unfortunately is far beyond my understanding when faced with the concepts of angles, fractions, and more technical mathematical jargon.
I was very delighted to see the particular work required was permitting the use of a calculator to make things a bit easier.
Ok, we can do this….. Then we get these types of even more confusing equations…
(-3)2 x (-5x3) =
 (3x (5x2)2=
A.J. - “why doesn’t it have the two bracket things on each side of the numbers?”
I try to explain how I’m not really sure, I’ve never done this type of Maths, but obviously this is how it’s supposed to be done.
A.J. - “but I just don’t understand it”
Replying a number of times by trying to explain what was needed, without having a precise explanation is very difficult and understandably frustrating for both A.J. and me.
Replying - “I’m sorry I don’t know, do what you can the way they've written it”
A.J. - “Why?”     
Me - “because that is the way you do it”
A.J. - “Oh, why didn’t you say that?”
Grrrr can be so frustrating

At another time when A.J. was packing his books for school, we become entangled in yet another conundrum of words……
“Nan, what week are we”
-week one
“No I mean how many weeks this term of school”
-5 hunn
“But that doesn’t add up!” he continues to investigate his timetable, seemingly counting each day.
I then say to him – “what are you after, the timetable week or the term week?”
A.J. – “the term week, it should be only four!”
- “sorry darl we are up to week 5, you've been back four full weeks and this is your fifth”
A.J. – “but it doesn’t add up, I can’t count it out……… ohh, doesn’t matter”

When they want to know the answer, hoping for us to help them find it yet at the same time wanting their knowledge to be the right one, the outcome can be explosive; we have to find ways to keep things calm and settled, guiding them to find their own correct answer, while not upsetting them with providing the answer that isn’t their expected outcome.

Trying to gain a little insight into the mind of the 13 year old Aspie, I ask A.J. to talk to me about his thoughts and wishes, what are his likes, dis-likes, expectations etc
A.J. responds with “I don’t want to talk to my followers at the moment……maybe tomorrow”

Later while chatting, A.J. came to a realisation……
“I am the Child” 
“Do you want the opening statement? ……’He’ was the opening statement all along!”
“The story ends with --He was the opening statement all along-clever huhh!!!!”
-Hmmmm, I guess it is!
“Then you can lead with ---“
“In 2002 a child was born, a special child that will lead humanity to a brighter future!!”
- Insightful A.J.
“I know”

“What is sleep? Why do we need it? You do know it’s just a ploy to waste time!!”

Ohhh the joys…… I ‘was’ looking at gaining some insight. Thanks.

Recently we have added A.J. to the world of facebook, with strict guidelines and limitations.
This came about due to being constantly nagged that his friends at school have it, and with all the internet involvement he already has at school we decided to investigate and found he can have an account at age 13.
He has limited access to sites at school and this restricts connection with facebook, so we can control at home what he connects to. 
Today A.J. began chatting to his cousin K.L. through messenger on his facebook.
They have a great connection and A.J. was upset when she moved away limiting their contact, so this allows them the contact to keep them both happy….
K.L. - how are you?
A.J. - "I’m excellent, I wish I had more sugar in my Milo, a quieter bed, and a brighter light; but I’m excellent!!”
K.L. -"What have you got planned for the weekend?”
A.J. - "Planning on successfully wasting another day, eating and conquering the digital wastelands”

…..ohh the struggles of the teenager…… 

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