about Nanna

27 September 2015

finding the perfect outings....

A.J. loves the historical significance
these displays show
Choosing a little time-out excitement during the holiday break, we decided to find some local sites for a tourist's view of what we have on offer....
Before we could decide on the first venue, the weather had other ideas, so we found ourselves locked inside as the wind and chilly days take over the little amount of sunshine we get.
After a few days pass the sun sneaks in just long enough to tease us into a false perception that the spring season might finally be here, when the weather changes yet again and takes hold with drizzly rain for yet another few days.
So now A.J. has settled in his room with the latest electronic game and needs to be coerced out for a break and a snack. As most would know it's easy to see our kids become fixated to extremes on the latest trend or obsession they've discovered.
As with any child this seems to be more-so in the form of technology.
So anything we can find to distract them from the dreaded screen has to be a plus.

Finally we get to venture out and choose a trip to one spot we knew A.J. would definitely enjoy-
the Small Arms Factory (S.A.F.) Museum.
On entering we could see the well set-out displays and historical information, and of course like all boys, both A.J. and Poppy head towards the area they were focused on wanting to see.
All boys love the excitement, historical significance and intrigue of guns, war, combat, and the like.
History holds many stories that highlight the reality of war and the role they play throughout many different eras of time to forge the pathways that lead us to where we are today.

Trying to explain the important role the S.A.F. played in the local historical progress in many other different areas, although this was very difficult for A.J. to focus on when he was more interested with the pistols, rifles and other related items.
the early version of  a pencil sharpener
A.J. believes would be easier to use.
So I thought it best to enhance the importance the S.A.F. actually played when gaining the role of producing military armament back in 1907. Lithgow was chosen as the best placed position for the establishment of the factory due to the safety factor of being a good distance from possible enemy attacks, although also due to the existence of the local steel works, coal industry, and a connecting railway link to Sydney.

A.J. was definitely interested in all aspects of military connections and with the ammunitions including hand grenades, missiles, etc.
He did however find one non-military related item that took his attention, an early version of the pencil sharpener that he would very much like to get and use, if we could find one for him, please.

.. awww - Luv him.

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