about Nanna

01 October 2015

Mental Health Issues are a real......

help others before the clouds cover the real issues
Mental Health Issues are a real and true disability that needs addressing and accepting at the core levels.
Many families face different situations that can cause stress in everyday life, from becoming anxious and nervous for no apparent reason, when everything becomes so overwhelming you just want to scream and hope it will just go away.
Think about the different feelings you may face, when waiting for a job interview, meeting a new person, trying to start a new project, wanting to get all your chores finished but the kids are screaming and fighting and won't settle down.
That feeling in the pit of your stomach, butterflies, or a tight knot feeling that won't go away.
Now try magnifying it by thousands and even positive thoughts can't bring you back to calm!

The reality of seeing a loved one with what we now call “Mental Health Issues” This diagnosis can cover a vast array of medical issues.

I know at times with all that we have been through, I too have thought it was all too much and it would be so simple to just get up and walk away. But the strength I hold from with-in, although at times I don't know how or where, but I get up and take the step again to continue on in the hopes of finding the much needed solution for the most current situation we are facing on that day.

I have faced and seen the different sides of this watching my husband experience the emotional turmoil of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, watching him struggle to even be able to get out of bed, stress about the outcome of taking a trip, terrified due to having no control over the protection of his family, with the continual overbearing mind control of the “what ifs...”
Working together to help him step back into the real life realm knowing that at any time the anxiety can take over and consume his common-sense thoughts and see him sink back into his hidden darkness.

Then we get the dreaded phonecall that our loved-one couldn't take that step, couldn't make that much needed move, becoming so overwhelmed with all that has consumed her that it has become seemingly hopeless and chose to “walk away” by taking the time-out version.
It breaks my heart to see my child believe that her future was so bleak that she had become lost in her own personal turmoil and wanted it all to just stop and end, choosing to give-in to the demons instead.

Getting that call to say she has been rushed into hospital and taken into care.
Some would be horrified, embarrassed, and even disgusted they tried to take the 'easy way out', and they would never want others to know what had happened, choosing to cloak and disguise the situation that was confronting their family.
I would say “you can't judge what you don't understand” I will also admit “I don't understand” but more to ask the questions. How could we miss the signs? How did we not know?
My heart is breaking as tears roll down my face, that I can't take the pain away for her, that I can't physically be there to soothe away whatever has taken control of her body, emotions and soul.

All too often the stressors of modern society can take control of our emotions due to the high demands and expectations put upon us, resulting in becoming overwhelmed and needing a break, although the worse-case-scenario will see some become broken with no easy-fix solution.
Believing this is the cause of isolation and despair with no-one to talk to and no-where to go, embarrassed that they aren't strong enough to handle what others breeze through. Being told by professionals to “go for a walk” or “just get out and do your normal things and you'll be fine”; I’ve seen it myself where the patient isn't being heard when they finally reach out for help.
How has society become so cold and impersonal quick to judge and belittle others without a second thought.
Seeing all too often with social media being the norm to degrade others less fortunate than themselves, 'hating' others that are doing well or because they are 'different' to them.

This type of bullying and personal degrading should stop, it all accumulates to become the end results of mental health issues. 
Never see a problem without trying to find a solution.
Happiness and Calm to all xxxx

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