about Nanna

17 February 2016

A child is a child first and foremost...

***please also read footnote***
While chatting over time with different clients, service providers, and more, I've noticed a pattern forming regarding the personal opinion and option preferred regarding the wording for the diagnosis terminology,
-whether it be - eg- "autistic person" or 
                          "person has/with autism"
Some will even become very pedantic or offended when hearing someone use the other preferred option.
I myself have used both at different times, and can say I have no preference.
Realistically we need to get back to basics and remember that we are all facing the same situations and should be as equally considerate to others as we want received back.
Everyone has their own opinion and has the right to that opinion, no-one however has the right to demean another person's opinion. To actually say to someone else -  "I'm offended when you use that term" - is as equally offensive to say, as how they personally feel regarding hearing the opposing term.
At the same time it is all as equally un-important.
Life is too short to then spend time worrying about what others may say or feel, and it most definitely won't (or shouldn't) change how you live your life in the big scheme of things.
A child is a child first; a child with autism is still a child. 
An autistic person is still a person.
we need to always acknowledge the person.........and then make considerations to the needs regarding the disability......

We need to have an understanding and compassion for 'everyone's' differences and preferences,
to make allowances and care for others, regardless of their appearances or educational attributes, abilities, etc....
Regardless of anything we are all equal in our form and should be accepted for all we can give and be.
To help enhance any ability each person has, giving them the chance and the confidence to contribute outwardly in any way they are able to; this may be all they need to see their worth in the world.
Do not disregard anyone
we all deserve to be appreciated...........

It takes only a small gesture, a smile, a helping hand, inclusion, or just allowing and accepting them as they are, being themselves!

 **** please note*** the above content is written in regards to my personal expression and not to offend, if you feel my comments are wrong you have the right to your opinion, if it may offend that is not my intent, and I am sincerely sorry, although it proves my point.......

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