about Nanna

10 February 2016

IEP and school progress......

knowing what they need is the first step,
the second is making sure they gain it.
The school called to set out an appointment for A.J.'s new IEP plan.
After having years of fearing these dreaded meetings, knowing I would be there alone facing a team of so called 'professionals' dictating their opinions of what was best for the school and what was expected from A.J. without accepting any input from me or for what was best for A.J. 
I would spend days correlating information and evidence of what would be best suited for A.J.'s needs, plus providing proof to why I would state their demands were unreasonable.
The emotional outcome of these meeting would leave me drained for days, and stressing about how I could better support my child through what should have been an enjoyable life experience.
 Fast-forward to (last year and) today, and it is such a blessing to attend a meeting in a relaxed and calm environment, facing one person that has addressed all A.J.'s needs, asking me for my input, what I think is best, if I have anything else I would like to include, and not thinking of the school as the priority.
The benefit of this is I was able to focus on what was the priority, giving us time to cover everything needed to be addressed, without fear of judgement or misinterpretation. 

Knowing how important the educational years are to all children, and therefore more importantly for special needs children, with the academic social and life skills they gain, we must always find ways to assure these connections are sourced at the utmost beneficial levels for each individual child.   
With all that I have experienced over the years, I am now using this knowledge to help others understand their rights and source the correct information and direction, so they too gain the best outcome for their child and family.

Never think you aren't strong enough to fight for your child's rights. Never give up, don't accept only what has been offered, if you believe your child deserves better or more then it is worth fighting for.

There are teachers, schools, supports out there that are the 'best-fit' design for your child, we just need to search until we find what each individual person truly needs.

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