about Nanna

13 March 2017

Finding the right assistance and supports

There are many situations, disabilities, 'issues', differences, we face that may hold us back from being who we feel we are deep-down inside.
The stigma of labeling, may deter many from gaining help and support at the time it is most needed and beneficial. The embarrassment of being seen as a neglectful or non-attentive parent, or having others view their child as 'flawed' or simply disobedient.

Facing frustrating moments, trying to explain to others why our kids react/or don't react to certain situations or events.
No-one is perfect, we all have 'moments' when things become so overwhelming we just can't cope or focus.
Why should we have to explain, why should we need to justify these 'moments' to others, when 'anyone' can have a form of Hissy-Fit, Melt-Down, or Temper-Tantrum.

All these issues can come into play when the right supports aren't evident or easily accessible.
Without knowing where to go to gain help, or who to see for the right form of support, can be more confusing and frustrating.

Right from the start we knew there were differences and delay with A.J. among other concerns, and during each hurdle we tried to reach out for support and help, and each time the person in front of us would put their arms in the air, telling us there was no help, so we were left to cope on our own.

These issues and struggles still remain for those at the starting point to gain the right information, you receive a diagnosis or you suspect there is a concerning factor, and yet you still aren't given a full explanation, understanding, or any form of direction to access support, or who best to turn to that would best help with the process.
We still struggle to access many supports locally, seeing many having to travel out of our area.
And we are still struggling to decipher the maze, if we even have one presented to us.

Yes there is help out there, but it's not promoted publicly enough for the layman to know where to look, and then when we think we have found something suitable, we may not fit their exact criteria.

Lithgow Nanna's Touch ASD Support is striving to help resolve this,
By presenting as much support and guidance through - ASD Support Group Meetings - Social outlets -
and now with our annual Accessible Lifestyle Expo (to be held on 21st October 2017)
Our site here will help provide supports, services, and more with new information continually being added.
I hope this helps in any little way.

Happiness and calm to all,  xxxx <3 <3 

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