about Nanna

30 March 2015

facing normal struggles and highlights as all families do.

Posting our story has been so beneficial in many ways seeing how far our little man has come
The struggles we faced and overcome and still have to come.
Our different stories shows how while we face issues relating to ASD, we are still just another family facing the normal struggles and highlights the same as all families do.  
Another milestone has also been achieved these past months-
After 10 ½ years trying to help with his non-existent ‘need’ for food, trying to supplement his very minimal very non-sufficient daily dietary intake, our little man has suddenly (with a little medical assistance- but still it has happened)- A.J. has found his appetite!
Still learning to understand the different food tastes and textures, he is slowly trying new things (with lots of encouragement) he really loves Pasta, Chicken, and even sausages and steak;
He loves fruit, will eat most vegetables especially greens and potato, carrots -if they are raw, He won’t eat pumpkin, and definitely doesn’t like  beetroot or tomatoes, and the only way he will eat eggs, onion, mushrooms if it’s used as a ‘flavouring’ for other foods never as a ‘solid food’
And now we are even gaining progress with eating at school, which was even more difficult, and his favourite food is ‘a sandwich with Vegemite and lettuce’

26 March 2015

a Positive Outlook......

At the beginning of this Year I decided it will be the beginning of a new era in many ways.
Determined that we open the chapter on a positive note and with the foresight to awareness of every step and stage, knowing that issues can and will arise, although this time being on the frontline to assure that A.J. will maintain stability and his rights will be taken into consideration.
So far I can honestly say my determination hasn't wavered and we are still forward progressing in many areas.

Living in what has become a fast-paced world, rushing here and there trying to get everything to fit into the busy schedules we have so easily forced ourselves into; we seem to have forgotten about the little things, the simple pleasures in life that can make us smile and relax for no other reason than enjoyment.

19 March 2015

Medical Assistance......

We have begun this year’s medical appointments, check-ups, referrals and so on.
Every year, as many families will know, we begin the process of checking medications, therapies, interventions, etc, then tweak any that don’t suit for something more in-line with what is required.
I totally get that this is something that is needed, although I am
over the whole issue of having to travel here and there outside our region to source the correct services.

16 March 2015

The New School Environment……

Driving up to school for pick-up, I see all the mums and dads in their cars, lined up around the corner and along both sides of the road, in their masses, waiting for their little ones, or not so little kids, to drive them home. Waiting for the buzzer to go, saying “GO HOME”, and then watching as they all exit through the gates like a stampede, rushing, hurrying, as if they’re urgently needing to get somewhere and yet nowhere.

Some of the parents,

12 March 2015

Notations and Documenting is a Good Thing……

I don't profess to be a ‘writer’, to be quite honest I'm far from it, over the years I’ve fallen on the opposite end of the scale, although I do like to be systematically organised and find myself jotting down notes, reminders and the like, to the point of obsession some of my family will say.
So when it came to gaining care of A.J. due to the nature of our involvement in our grandson’s life, long before we knew about his diagnosis, or even what the word ‘Aspergers’ even meant; I was thrown in the deep end having to file forms, document items, and correlate evidence in many areas to formulate a case history of events, documenting everything that was happening, and I finally found my footing in the world of words.

09 March 2015

Prepared for Anything.....

Weekend is relax-time so I curled up under the blankets watching a random TV show, I was going over everything in my head that was needed to be done for tomorrow……….
Do washing…… finish clearing out clutter…… help A.J. tidy up his room…… gather up everything A.J. needs for preparing a school homework routine …… visit with Mum and Dad……
I finally began drifting off to sleep….
The alarm goes off at 6.30am and as I roll over to turn it off, I ponder the idea for just a few more zzz’s although I continue out of bed and head for the shower. Walking past A.J.’s room I find him curled up at the end of his bed totally wrapped in his crocheted rug I made him.
He refuses to part with this, like his dressing gown, both have become ‘security blankets’.
With remote control in hand he was in the process of turning on his Sony game system.
Turning to see me, a smile comes over his face ……”and there you go”……his latest saying to everything that is seen or done…”you always know when I’m awake”….
“Yes”, I said “and I always will”, as I continue on I smiled to think timing is everything.

07 March 2015

Coping with Change......

Coping with change……
Our precious children struggle to cope with change, no matter how simple or extreme.
I have noted in a post highlighting the issues within the school environment.  https://sites.google.com/site/lithgownannastouch/lithgow-support-group/4--transitions-changes
Issues can also occur in the home, while changes may be a little more subtle these issues can still have a major impact for them.

It could be caused by a simple loss of an item; just recently A.J.’s android tablet was damaged unable to be fixed, this was for some time now his sole existence, especially during high anxiety or sensory moments needing to self-regulate his emotions, he would sink into his alternate world, calming him.
Now the journey begins to find a replacement.

It is also a pair of shoes, sandals that were his favourite for comfort and whatever simple reason he felt was important.

03 March 2015

High Expectations……

Do not STARE at me because I am different
......LOOK at me as a person,
Do not JUDGE me if you don't know me
.....SPEAK to me and learn about who I am,
Do not CRITICISE what you do not know
EDUCATE yourself to the differences of others.

How is it, that society has such high expectations for ‘children’ in general?
Adults can have a “moment”, an “Off day” or “temper-tantrum”, as such, when things don’t go their way, yet a child, any child, still coming to terms with the continual changes within themselves, and the environment around them, are required to be perfect reflections of their adult counterpart’s expectations.

Then when adding to the mix, those little quirky mannerisms our special little one’s can display when expressing themselves, uncontrollable and unexpectedly, many on the outside are shocked and horrified by the display of what they say is ‘unsatisfactory behaviour’.

01 March 2015

We're Finally Here......

All of our story posts to date have been a review of A.J.’s history, how he came to live with us (his Nanna and Poppy), why he received a late Autism diagnosis, and most of all the experiences we have faced during his educational journey. 
The reason A.J.’s history is so hard to fathom, even now so long after the events, from being removed from his mother’s care due to her drug related issues and neglect, factors that are still so raw for us all today, facing the realisation of being left in an unimaginable situation by those that knew and turned a blind eye, until we were notified to take care of him.

Faced with the reality of our life, so many are stunned and speechless to fathom the extent of the situation, questioning why we would go down this path at all, or at minimal how do we do it. It was never a question to us.
‘Family is Family’ regardless and any innocent child deserves the very best chance for a normal life……It’s that simple!!!