A blanket of silence covers our home today,
As we see our special friend on her way;
With sadness filling the air around,
Our little buddy is heaven bound;
Some may say she was only our pet,
But she was more than that and we’ll never forget;
With the memories we hold and cherish so dear,
Our special little girl will always be near.
You can rest in peace now little girl
(March ‘01- 6th June ’15)
Tess had been so much to us from the day my
daughter brought her home to me as a mother’s day gift, although she was never ‘my’
dog alone, the family all had a piece of her heart.
From the moment A.J. came to us Tess seemed to
take it as her duty to guard and protect him in every way that she could and
the bond that grew was more than simple words could portray.
Every day was special, with the past few years
even more-so as A.J. struggled with his emotional and sensory imbalances, Tess
would sense that he needed a hugg or to just ‘be there’.
Over the past few months we had noticed the
aging signs with Tess our beloved fox terrier;
She had cataracts on her eyes, one in particular,
and we realised she was going deaf.
There was still a lot of ‘spring’ in her step,
especially outside barking with the neighbourhood dogs, but also when A.J. would
play with her, two mischievous terrors getting into all sorts of strife.
The last few days saw a sudden change and we
knew that it wasn’t just the normal old age signs and we prepared for the
worse, when the time comes it is still such a shock and no amount of
preparation can change the emotional expression of love and loss that we feel.
Preparing for the moment we knew we had to do, I
prepared A.J. and he understood easier than I thought, he asked if he could go
to say goodbye with us and as I struggled to accept if this was the right thing
to do, he was firm and adamant that he would go.
As we gave her hugs she slipped away, then A.J.
began typing on his iPad, showing me afterwards the words he had written………
He has given me permission to share a section here to show
the emotion he felt to lose his best friend……
Tess's death
She died at 11:44 am on Saturday 6.6.15.
Tess is now in a place for souls as fulfilling as hers, Heaven.
Tess, a smooth fur fox terrier.
I had never seen pop cry this much,
The best dog to grow up with, Tess was like a
sister to me.
Previously I had thought how to bring Tess back,
But what's meant to be dead, stays dead. Immortality
is inhumane.
This brought tears to my eyes, an emotionally
filled moment, where I realised although he may not have written it as some believe he
should, the words and emotion he shared was just so perfect.
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