about Nanna

05 January 2016

Appreciating the Good things in Life.

acknowledging the facebook page FATMUMSLIM for the picture
While scrolling through my Facebook news-feed I came across a post from my Niece with a pic showing an appropriate challenge that I just couldn't refuse to join in with it on my personal page. This was the pic connected with it.....

As this had shown up on 3rd of January I had a few pictures to post and catch up to date.
-1st photo...  black and white...I posted of course our cute little furbaby Laura
-2nd... What i did today...  was one I took on that day of A.J. blurred out as I had tried to sneak a pic of him in bed playing his PlayStation, although he wasn't in the pic-taking-mood so he jumped out to the other side of his bed, thus the result 
-3rd... Water...  the inside of my washing machine that although did not contain water at that moment, still requires water to activate.
This left me the rest of the month to create some life altering memories, or at least the reality of our life that is. 

The whole idea has given me a greater challenge, one that hopefully may lead others to become involved in as well, and help to gain positive outcomes while finding ways to see the good in everything we do and see each and every day, enriching our lives even more..............by continuing this challenge over the whole of 2016.  

Challenge accepted!!!

It is all too easy to allow ourselves to look at life in a pessimistic manner as we face situations in our day-to-day lives.
So working on ways to show others that life can be good and things can get better regardless of our personal predicament can be a benefit to how we truly live our lives. We don't need to be money rich to live a full and rich lifestyle.
To be surrounded by a loving family and friends, with a giving caring nature is the first steps as we encounter each day, to make sure we focus on the positives within each situation, and whenever anything negative is faced trying to put it in a positive light as well.
I will begin by posting a picture each day relating to the photo challenge and then add a comment to show what positive thing I have been able to benefit from that day's experience.
Being grateful for the simple fact we are alive and healthy and able to experience life.
Anyone wishing to join me can post their experiences below the posts I share.

As I have committed to this challenge I will begin my positive acknowledgement from the 1st as well......
1st.... Always find ways of enjoying special moments with family and friends after bringing in the new year, and wishing good to those that are 'not-so-close'.
2nd.... Making time for the little things.
I have made a commitment with A.J. to spend time together listening  to him read a novel to me and enjoying the moment.
3rd.... Keeping patient and calm when A.J. struggles to focus on what he's doing and help him out instead.

Now that we are here in the present moment I will also focus on not giving myself too much pressure with unrealistic demands and allow what can be done to be enough,  enjoying the benefits of each day.
I will remind myself of this daily if necessary.

To continue the additional days to date I need to fill in the following.....
-4th... Circle... Is my oven showing homemade cooking in round pie dishes one being a large quiche and then 7 little single serve apple pies
This was cooked with potato bake and adding to a salad and marinade steaks as a family get-together for my baby son's 29th birthday. The enjoyment of the day included a visit from my nephew/godson with his wife and three daughters 4 and 3 year old and an 11 month old. Lots of fun, noise and mayhem.
the benefits of fresh vegetables 
-5th... Leaves... This was a close-up picture of my tomato plants
Having the enjoyment of growing our own vegetables and also showing A.J. how we can be self-sufficient while hoping he too will gain some benefits from the experience

Over the past few days while enjoying the rainfall I have also managed to start clearing out the clutter of Xmas etc.
Laura has been pacing around me watching carefully what I'm up to, while bringing her toys to play with me.
After catching up on all the washing only to have to put through the dryer, my shadow carefully inspects each move I make.
Afterwards I take a break with a well earned coffee and start a shopping list of requirements. Laura choosing this time to sneak in a mummy-cuddle although being very unimpressed that my time is taken up with the pen and paper decided that she would bark in annoyance and try to remove the pen from my hand.
--Jealous much!!!!!! 
Now I'm back up doing the folding at which time Laura has taken her place on the lounge over-seeing the work, happy that she still has a good view of my activities in case she misses out on something.

Taking notice of the simple things in life, we can also be so grateful for all we have received.

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