about Nanna

02 April 2015

Living in the ‘Outback’……

--front road--
The benefits of living in Australia’s country ‘outback’!
Living in the Blue Mountains area of New South Wales; some may say we are in the bush, while others say we are still part of Sydney’s city suburbs with the outback still further west.
I myself am happily stating an in-between lifestyle, with reasonably close access to many requirements, and still having the luxury of waking to watch the sun rising over a lovely rolling mountainous scenic view at our back-door, while overlooking the outstretched valley floor with scattered mountains in the distance at our front-door. To have the chance of experiencing a slow-paced lifestyle without the hustle and bustle that goes along with living in big-city dwellings.
Gathering together for breakfast as the mist clears on a glorious sunny morning, hearing the background chatter of Kookaburras laughing together chiming out in song, we regularly hear them close to the house, with visits by various birds and other wildlife, including Kangaroos.
I love the chance to sit back with my morning ‘cuppa’ while also listening to the conversations between A.J. and my husband, the ever-changing topics about anything and everything and the sometimes ‘non-comprehendible’ language as A.J. becomes so excited that his words come out faster than his thought process can handle.
Meal-time is discussion time, a chance to catch up on everything that is happening, or arranging the set-out of daily events, a chance to commit solely to family interaction without any distractions.
Today we have a surprise visit from my daughter she is bringing their pet guinea pigs to stay while they go on a holiday.
A.J. was a bit concerned after being asked if he would feed and change their water.
A.J.--“but Aunty, what if I do it wrong; if they don’t have it right I might kill them and you’ll be angry”
She replied—“I’m sure you will do just fine”
A.J. decided he’d best set up an alarm, and write out a roster just in-case.

At this moment we only have a dog, a lovely natured fox terrier cross (what with, I’m not sure, although I’d guess a whippet if you saw how she use to jump fences), her name is Tess and she is 14 years old, has cataracts on her eyes, is getting hard of hearing, and all types of ailments that go along with old age, although when she spots A.J. she lights up with excitement and obeys his every command and request.
The bond is so obvious, with both knowing when they need a little TLC or companionship.

--behind our yard, with the 'blue' mountains in distance--
With few children in the vicinity of our home, and the security A.J. feels with-in the confines of our home and yard, he is limited with the contact and benefits he could gain from others.
Without seeing the struggle our little ones go through, the confusion to certain things, the lack of understanding socially; he’s smart, alert, able to do many things, he’s even attempted being ‘social’, but what they don’t see is the struggle and difficulty to connect with others at their level, so he thinks he needs to say and do certain things to ‘fit-in’.
Imitating others, in a way that he perceives it, with their actions and words in the attempt to be ‘noticed’ and thinking he will be liked and accepted, although not understanding the concept or reasons behind the actions he is mimicking.
Learning that he can be himself and others can like what he has to offer.
These are the things we are focusing on. 

Thinking about how our lives can and have taken on different perspectives and how we should all try and get back to basics;
I found this during my research; and sorry not sure exactly where it originated from although I thought it appropriate at this time, and have personally associated to it at times when feeling low and needing a boost.

The 5 ‘W’s of life……
WHO you are makes you special, don’t change for anyone
WHAT lies ahead will be a mystery, don’t be afraid to explore
WHERE there are choices, make the one you won’t regret
WHEN life pushes you over, get up and push back harder
WHY things happen will never be certain, take it in your stride and move forward

It has made me realise different things, and think of the “what if” moments, 
Would we still have experienced some parts of our life the same or changed them a little different if we had the foresight in the things we were involved with, even if we still preferred to take that same path, would we have checked a few extra or taken a few less tracks along the way.

Notations like this have given me the strength to continue after all we have been through, and I will always believe that some of it has made me into the person I am today, no matter how I would like to have missed some of those stressful ‘issues’ and pathways.

I am definitely moving forward.
Happiness and Calm to all xxxx <3

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