about Nanna

24 April 2015

Who is truly Responsible.....?

Reflecting the enormity of issues confronting Special Needs children/adults/people, through being  
‘unaware of’, ‘barricaded from’, or simply ‘having a lack of’ correct services etc required to give them the support, understanding, and assistance; and should be mandatory at ALL schools, work-placements, social sectors, and more.
We want to understand why there isn’t enough help when needed the most.
The ‘ignore it and it will go away’ attitude will not and should not be accepted any more.
We all need to stand up and demand that these systems be accountable; too many children are going through being ignored and missing out on basic educational requirements, things that should be easily obtained if given a little patience and compassion; if a child doesn’t understand an instruction no-one should state – “I’m not repeating that” or any other ‘brush-away’ comment.

Regardless of why they are behind, whether it is delayed learning or a diagnosed special need, all children at some point struggle, some simply due to a basic misunderstanding of what they are learning or the way requests and techniques are stated to them.

As the saying goes-
“If a child cannot learn the way we teach, then we should teach them the way they can learn”
This has been echoed repeatedly in various sectors, but are we taking heed to these words?

All children have a story to tell; the history behind their emotional, social and environmental imbalance can be more complex than first viewed   

My belief in this matter comes down to more than a simple comment; in today’s society teachers are more than just educators, and as unfortunate as it is that this responsibility needs to fall on their shoulders, the education system as a whole needs to be educated to the growing number of differences in children that are going through their system
We need to have accommodations made in ALL educational facilities to cater for the availability of councillors at all schools, educated and trained in all forms of special needs, from the simple delayed learning issues through to all the differing ASD listings
My concerns with this issue is the fact that it’s becoming more and more evident the response by our government is to ‘reduce’ and not ‘increase’ additional assistance in the general education systems, once again pushing the onus back onto the parents; we have to demand that this isn’t good enough we can’t do this alone.
Why is so much pressure put on our children and why do we allow our children to be ignored when they struggle to fit society’s strict guidelines
In another era some of these children would flourish and those depicted as exemplary in today’s society would fail to meet the standards.

All too often they become pushed aside and ignored and then blamed for being a burden on the system’s unemployment sector, when the truth is if given the right support we can find a way to help them become an active part of their society

I may not have the right answers to this issue, I do believe awareness and acceptance is needed, we must all stand up and request or demand assistance for these children before it’s too late.

Please share this to gain more understanding and support.

Thankyou, Happiness and Calm to all xxxx

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