about Nanna

07 April 2015

the holidays begin...

two tiny specks blue+black
as the boys wander off enjoying the day 
EASTER holidays; a great time for some Rest & Relaxation, while facing the first changes of the year, the end of daylight savings, the beginning of the winter season, etc
Setting up the roster for the holidays, A.J. happily discusses the options he wishes to be included while also willingly addressing and accepting my expectations, we both come up with an agreeable result -Including study, breaks, chores, and more…
After writing out a paper copy for his whiteboard A.J. chose to also add it to his iPad reminder list
He then requested that he didn't need the copy on his board “for all to see!”
“Like we have a stream of visitors passing through our house”
I agreed to his request and placed it on my office-room noticeboard instead.
Holiday’s - chocolate eggs -presents –Family time…
Finding ways to enjoy the break and actually get out of the house into reality
Focusing on the positives and finding ways to keeping stability and help ease any emotional overload, anxiety, changing stress levels, and Meltdowns

Deciding also to take the day and reflect on the outcome of the first school term
Reflecting on what it has been like for our family?
All I can say is……YES…… OMG…… it is Awesome!!
The first term ever that I haven’t had any major form of “DRAMA”
Yes there has been ‘meltdowns’
Yes there has been ‘anxiety’
Yes there have been “I don’t want to face that today” moments
The difference being the way it was handled
Calm, Understanding, Two-Sided discussions, positive outcomes, and more,
I have spent so long accommodating to everyone else; it is different knowing they are handling things without me having to (or been expected to) take the reigns

At the moment the one main thing that is a plus, is A.J.’s self-esteem --It is amazing--
Going from a child who would question his existence
To now being self-confident, he actually said to me - “I am Awesome!!!”
A heart wrenching emotional happy moment

As the typical Blue Mountains weather kicks in to spoil the plans for a get-away with friends, the drizzling rain being enough to dampen the spirits of everyone, I have recently noticed a change in A.J.’s mood depending on the change in weather, so we settle in for a quiet day at home; A.J. is complaining about being ‘bored’ as he hasn't got any ‘games’ to play.

All the games he had on his old Asus android tablet (now broken), are gone, we have replaced it with a new iPad device that doesn’t carry the specific games he so loved to play. Having to also adjust to the differing programming system, he still struggles to process the design layout.

Another day gone by, we are preparing to try again to meet up with new friends, someone A.J. has connected with, someone who understands and relates to him
He is trying with a lot of persuasion, to step outside the safe confines of his room, his safety realm, and into uncharted territory, while visiting places unknown and unpredictable
Adjusting to the outdoor involvement and the realisation of activities he has not mastered or perfected, in the way so many of his aged peers have done and take for granted; the simple joy of riding a bike, being unable to grasp the concept of balance

Our visit has taken us to the outer area of our town and the beautiful views close to the mountainous fields, the perfect outing for our little man to get close to nature.
While visiting with a new friend, also on the spectrum, and as A.J. has stated quite matter-of-factly “he is smart like me”, so without a hesitation the two boys happily wander off outside to investigate the terrain.
Surprised with how these two have just ‘clicked’ the first time ever that I have seen him happily venturing out accepting the demands and instructions from someone else.
Although having a few moments when he returned to inform me “we should be heading home” we still managed to distract him again long enough to have 3 hours pass before A.J. had realised how long he had been gone enjoyed the new surroundings.

With the time getting on and the haze of another drizzly evening rolling in, we said our goodbyes and began to head home, all the while having A.J. in my ear about what a great time he had.

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