about Nanna

06 October 2015

every little moment counts........

A.J. having fun with props at a family 21st party
Enjoying the last day of holidays, chilling out and relaxing and taking in the day, I start preparing some school snacks treats and a great dinner of silverside and veges with white sauce.
The weather has started to become quite warm for this time of year so I'm prizing hubby off the lounge where he's watching some American football, to hopefully have him clear out and wash the car, but also in the hopes of getting him and A.J. outside to enjoy the beautiful day. 
Realising how much of this year has already gone, term 4 of the school year is about to begin and not one single issue to be dealt with, I would never have imagined this ever possible.
It is so humbling to face a great team of educators that can actually “get” A.J. and be able to handle the little hick-ups that are a part of his make-up and personality.

Settling in for the evening A.J. willingly went to bed early, although he tossed and turned all night and I became concerned to how he would be in the morning, especially when factoring in the daylight savings transition as well.
Finding him awake before 5am was even more of a worry. How would the day go?
He was still eager to get going, rushing me to prepare everything, even asking to leave early to get the day started.
The time passed so quickly as I busily attended to my own needs and suddenly find myself heading out the door to collect A.J. from school.
As he opened the car door, so precisely and organised, as he does every other day, placing his bag in the very same spot he plonks himself on the seat and closes the door.
I smile and say “....and how was your first day back?”
He glanced across towards me as though looking through me and out the window,
and then responds with …......"today was exceptionally transcendent"........
ok!” …........did my boy just swallow the whole dictionary? WOW!!!
Smiling back I reply “that is really good to hear”
I truly love this kid and all that he is.

With all this knowledge A.J.'s portraying, it shows how grown up he is, academically, he has really come a long way this year, being content in his new environment has really helped him blossom.
It also makes me realise that time really is passing by too fast and we definitely need to reign it in somehow and make the most of what we have with every little thing we encounter and create.
Embrace the beautiful people in our life and take it to the highest level of being in the moment.

I may sound a little melancholy but the realisation that family will not always be there is becoming all too real for me. With aging, ailing parents the truth is we don't know what tomorrow will hold, and if we miss the chance to spend quality time with our loved ones we will never get it back.
Finding all the spare moments we can, I will visit for a chat and listen to my dad chatter about days gone by and what life was like back in England where he was born and the stories of his early years there, then emigrating to Australia as a 10-pound pom when only 13 years old and the life they encountered.
Arriving in Australia with his parents, 3 sisters, 2 brothers, and himself; his father not understanding what he could bring sold everything for a pittance believing they couldn't bring money with them, so they started with basically the shirts on their backs, working hard to gain everything they had, setting a precedence for the hard-working life my dad also lead and instilled into us as well.

Focused on this belief I always instil the same values to others.
Appreciate everything and work hard for what you want.

Never underestimate what you can do when you set your mind to excel.

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