about Nanna

08 December 2017

Physical Health - self care Mind+Body+Soul

Reviewing 2017, although it has been great in so many aspects, it's also been the most draining time that I've faced in many years.
Trying to juggle and manage too many things, so much so that it has suddenly all come to a pounding momentous heap at my feet, leaving me no-where to turn, but come crashing down amongst it all.
being in the moment - a great view of our lovely valley

While organising our home-front and personal life, including the many different interventions, activities and other requirements we arrange for A.J. to access, we have seen many accomplishments and achievements as well.

01 December 2017

a humbling honor........

Today I was invited to attend the Lithgow Ability Awards 2017.
this was organised and presented by
--Lithgow City Council with Uniting Ability Links--
I was very honored and surprised to receive the invitation stating I had been nominated in one of the categories.

24 November 2017

Rosters, Routines, Schedules, Timetables, Programs, Plans.............

assorted planners are available on-line
 or you can make your own
Parenting can be hard. 
Especially when juggling the family household, work commitments, and anything else you want to do.
Some days we can feel so overwhelmed, they seem to blur into weeks or months.

At times we can be so consumed by everything, we may begin to doubt ourselves and our ability to cope with every part of being a parent and what that fully entails,
especially when considering the additional demands we need to cater to for a child with a disability.

20 November 2017

Clearing your emotional clutter.

gaining personal confidence is the first step
- picture of me while doing one of our group activities -  
Just as it is therapeutic to clear our home of physical clutter we collect along our life's journey,
we also need to clear our minds of the emotional “Baggage” that we may accumulate over the years.

For me, over the years, I have fought with the concept of what it is to be emotionally balanced,
as I would always become stressed about the perception that others may have of me.

14 November 2017

What is SPD.... Sensory Processing Disorder????

Today I was able to touch base with this area during our Skill & Connect support group,
so I thought I would share it here as well, as a reminder to some or understanding for others.......
understanding the 7 senses 

10 November 2017

Emotional Wellbeing - Family Stability -

I am struggling to express in words the way I am feeling lately
.....when things become so overwhelming, we go through the day in a fog, or haze,
facing a realisation that everything around us is crumbling down from what we knew or want it to be.

After working so hard to reach a level of calm and stability, to see it gone in the blink of an eye.
With some days being consumed by everything, and having no visual way out.

Feeling alone with no-one to understand or help with what we're going through,
then doubting ourselves and our ability to cope.
This may be the reality for us, for you, for many ......This is what we face almost every day.

09 November 2017

Physical Health and Emotional Well-Being - Cycle of Emotions -

Parenting can be hard at times for anyone,   
Parenting an Autistic child will teach us this and more, 
It is a continual cycle of highs and lows, positive moments, and trying situations.   
Some days we can feel overwhelmed with everything.   
We may feel alone with no-one to understand or help with what we're going through.  

Causing us to doubt ourselves and our ability to cope.  

23 October 2017

Volunteering my Support - Knowledge - Time - and more

Over the past 4 years I have kept myself busy walking the 'volunteer' pathway through Autism,
by helping to share my knowledge, understanding, support, acceptance, education, and more.  
There hasn't been a day go by where I haven't focused in some way on how to assist others.   

banner for the recent expo I arranged
helping locals to connect with relevant service providers 
I enjoy this pay-it-forward approach, doing anything I can, finding ways to support and share the  understanding of diversity. Helping others to re-group and take the steps to solve each issue as we face them.

12 October 2017

We are here, we do care, you are not alone.......

I wasn't intending on posting about this…
….something so sad and devastating,
something that we as a small community have been continually facing for so long.
As a mining town we have had our ups and downs,

05 October 2017

When you have to step out of your Comfort Zone.

A.J. as he likes to be seen, incognito (or not)
pic share with approval 
Sometimes we have progress shine through all the mayhem that surrounds us……
…..and today was one such day.

The holidays, as usual, has seen a roller-coaster of emotion and confusion as the lack of routine schedules make it hard for A.J. to know what to do and how to cope with each day.

14 September 2017

"my fight with my disabilities" - Taking a look into the thoughts and actions of an ASD teen.

....on one of his 'happy days'
having a joke with Nan....
As each day goes by, I see the many variables that A.J. faces due to his ASD symptoms.
While knowing he's already passed so very many hurdles/milestones, gaining so much progress,
and yet understanding he still faces regular set-backs and regression, that is churning him around in a vortex of confusion.

28 June 2017

living with a label - it doesn't get any easier

This is the part that really sucks, The part no-one sees, The part that we're told is imaginary.
I travel this road every day with my family, facing the secret society, the taboo topic that can't and won't be mentioned or acknowledged.
Yet it 'is' a reality to so many, made even more difficult when fronted by a world that just doesn't 'get it'.  


Let's face it, anything that makes us look or seem any way different to what the 'norm' should be, is like a red flag to a bull, most can't help but judge and criticise what they don't understand.

11 June 2017

Health and Wellbeing

What is 'Mental Health'?
-  it describes the emotional, psychological, social, economical, spiritual, and medical 'well-being' of any person.
It is about feeling happy, being confident, aware, resilient, and able to handle and recover from any challenges we may face throughout our lives.
Understanding the levels of how we feel, think, act, and socialise is important to help us maintain and function our healthy wellbeing.
Being able to maintain an emotional and behavioural level, will determine how best we can manage stress, connect with others, and make the right life choices.
What is 'Mental Illness'?
- the description for a group of Mental health conditions.

02 June 2017

Life's hurdles…………….

I can't believe we've almost come to the middle of yet another year, it's passed by so quickly I'm surprised I'm still standing.
So much has happened and yet it all seems like a blur.
After a hectic couple of months, I've finally made it out for some fresh air to collect my thoughts.
Grasping the reality of everything,  processing how I will manage from here.

There is no tried and true formula for anyone going through the loss of a family member,
There is no time frame for this, we need to take a step back, breathe, and allow ourselves the time we need.

I was very lucky to have had the chance to make the most of what time we had,

31 March 2017

April - Autism month

To be accepted you have to be understood,
To be understood, you have to gain knowledge,
To gain knowledge you have to promote awareness.

So here we are, at - "awareness" - it's not a negative thing, it's about educating others.

The opinions and controversy over the promotion of Autism day/month may vary from person to person whoever you discuss it with.

18 March 2017

Accepting what is, regardless of the outcome…..

I have been trying all day to make sense of an emotional turmoil that's been placed before me.
The struggles we face, for many reasons, can be hard on any family, no-one is immune from the roller coaster we can find ourselves being hurled upon.

Everyone has a journey they need to take…..

16 March 2017

Living and Growing in Today's Society....

While facing different daily struggles, issues deemed by others as irrelevant, some completely consuming, and some that will cause the strongest of families to crumble,
Some days just don't make sense
Some days result in a big lot of set-backs  
Some days we just can't wait to end, so we can start again tomorrow
Some days see our man sinking inside himself, sitting there frozen, staring off into space, unable to function at all.

13 March 2017

Finding the right assistance and supports

There are many situations, disabilities, 'issues', differences, we face that may hold us back from being who we feel we are deep-down inside.
The stigma of labeling, may deter many from gaining help and support at the time it is most needed and beneficial. The embarrassment of being seen as a neglectful or non-attentive parent, or having others view their child as 'flawed' or simply disobedient.

Facing frustrating moments, trying to explain to others why our kids react/or don't react to certain situations or events.

01 March 2017

……When your child doesn't want to participate….

Life!!! What is it for, what is it all about?
Most people see life as a learning experience, seeking, exploring, achieving, connecting, and so much more.
Yet many on the spectrum can find minimal to no reasoning behind life and existence.

No matter how hard we try with all the educational and intervention supports we connect them with,
for many reasons…the main 2 being-

12 February 2017

Onwards and Upwards….. 2017 has already taken hold.

A.J.'s positivity shines through
to many people he meets
I haven't written any 'life postings' for a while, as I busily set up new school routines, and head into new and exciting projects with the ASD Support activities I have prepared to make available to our locals.
The extreme heat over summer has also put a holt to many plans, as I dealt with health issues caused in some ways by those dramatic conditions.

We've had such a busy last few weeks, with the back-to-school routine schedules.
A.J.'s happily settling in, confronted with his many new activities and subjects, he was still able to cope extremely well.
Remembering his diagnosis - Autism Spectrum Disorder - DSM 5 - level 2
He is very highly intelligent, academically, although socially and emotionally etc he is still very delayed,
Many of the areas needing support and assistance relate to his Sensory Processing Disorder, Anxiety, and OCD, although his Scoliosis may also become aggravated after a day of climbing stairs, physical sport/PE, etc.